The correct start up sequence is very important for proper microscope function. Carefully follow the next steps.
The numbers in brackets correspond to the sticky labels on the microscope.
Turn the key on the CSU-W1 Yokogawa unit (1) to ON.
Switch on the two cameras. You will find a switch on the back of each one of them.
Make sure the "Status" LED next to the switch is green before turning on the PC at step 6.
Open the rack door.
Locate the lasers controllers on the top shelve (2).
Also locate the controller boxes on the shelve bellow (3).
First turn on all 6 laser switches (2).
Wait until ALL the laser lights stop blinking.
Next turn the 6 interlock keys on the left.
The status lights should now be all green.
If there is a blue light instead, turn the key off and on again.
On the lower shelf switch on the two Olympus controller boxes (3).
Next switch on the microscope controller. You will find a button on the back of the touch screen controller (4).
Wait until "Start Operation" is visible on the display panel.
Return to the Olympus rack and switch on the RTC Box (5).
Wait for the "RTC READY" light to turn green! It might take a couple of minutes.
Make also sure the "Status" LED at the back of the camera next to the switch is green.
You can now switch on the computer (6).
Log in with your ZMB credentials
Start "cellSens Dimension" software.
Open the "Experiment Manager" tab on the bottom right.
Define where your data will be saved by clicking on the "Acquisition Settings" icon.
Go to "Saving".
Choose file system as "Destination".
Choose your personal zmb data path folder on files.core.uzh.ch.
If you plan to acquire large data sets (eg. multiposition timelapses, large volumes, etc.) please use the X: drive. More details here.
Finally press "Apply to All".
When acquiring multipositions you can custom define the naming of your files/ experiments.
You can change file naming here.
Or create subfolders containing each well ID e.g.
To set up an experiment go to Olympus Spinning Disk - 2: Multichannel + Z-stack acquisition.
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