For acquisition of large data sets (e.g. multipositions, timelapses or large volumes) it is recommended that you use the available X: (cache) drive. By doing so acquisition and saving is not limited by the network speed. Transfer of the files can be initiated through our Data Mover solution.
Open the "Experiment Manager" tab on the bottom right.
Define where your data will be saved by clicking on the "Acquisition Settings" icon .
Go to "Saving"<"Process Experiment".
Choose file system as "Destination".
Olympus Spinning disk: choose OSPIStorage (X:) and enter your personal data folder.
Olympus ScanR: Choose automatic_transfer (X:)
Select "Close after save".
Finally press "Apply to All".
When acquiring multipositions you can custom define the naming of your files/ experiments.
You can change file naming here.
Or create subfolders containing each well ID e.g.
To set up an experiment go to Olympus Spinning Disk - 2: Multichannel + Z-stack acquisition
You can now set up your experiment and acquire your data.
Once you are done, please remove your sample and clean the microscope appropriately.
Close the cellSens software.
Open Citrix workspace directly on the computer.
Optional - You can also access Citrix from your own computer provided you have installed the Citrix client). Check out How to section for more info.
Select the "CORE Datamover" icon.
Select the option "Olympus Spinning" disk or "Olympus ScanR" accordingly.
You will receive a confirmation email within 15 min.
Additionally you will receive an email once the transfer has started and another once it ends.
Finally your data will be available on you Core date folder.