Every Sunday night both the microscope and the camera need a heating cycle, to get rid of all the contamination accumulated during the week.
This guide from the Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis, UZH, Zurich, Switzerland shows how to cycle the Camera and the Microscope at the end of a session, at the transmission electron microscope Titan Krios G3i.
Please find more detailed information about the system here.
Go to the 'Autoloader' tab.
Click on the 'State' tab in the 'Temperature control' panel.
From the dropdown menu select 'Conditioning both'.
Specify when the cryocycle should start.
Click the arrow on the right.
From the dropdown menu 'After conditioning' select 'All Nitrogen Temperature delayed'.
Specify the date when the microscope cool down should start (Monday morning at 6:00 AM).
Click the arrow on the right.