Generally the system is always on, as this prevents condensation in the image formation path
Wait at least 30 sec. before you restart the Operetta CLS after a shutdown
Switch on the Operetta CLS (green button on the side)
The instrument is initialized (status light blinking green). As soon as the status light stops blinking (constantly green), the Operetta CLS is ready and can be used
Switch on the Harmony PC and log into Windows®
Notice It is recommended to let the instrument warm up for 1 hour before starting measurements. Otherwise drift as well as condensation artifacts can occur
Double-click the Harmony icon on the desktop
Log into Harmony. You will be given a user account after training
The Harmony Software has a bug where it indicates that it “isn’t connected to the device”
Override this connectivity error by pressing the “NEW” button under the C02
Afterwards you should see in the top-right corner that the software is connected when the plug symbol comes together
Main menu bar
Content area
Image control
Global control
Gently clean the bottom of your plate with Kimtech wipes and alchohol
For slides clean them and place them in the allocated holder, coverslip down
Choose the plate type in the software
You might asked to adjust the objective collar after chooseing a plate, for this go to this guide
Press eject and the sample holder arm will come out
Put the plate in the holder
Press load and the plate will be taken inside the system. Make sure that there are no labels, sealing plastics around the plate and such
Go to "Settings"
"Define Plate Type"
Follow the wizard instructions
You can find the specifics of the plate with the manufacturer
The temperature needs to be adjusted at least 2hrs before the experiment. Otherwise z-drift could be experienced
Go to "Settings"
Then "TCO Settings"
Turn on the temperature and CO2 levels and adjust them as needed
Press OK
The gas connection is always on at 3 bar.
Now that you have completed the starting steps, go to this guide to create an image in x-y and z
Almost done!
Finish Line