Each processing instance require a separate license key from Structura Biotechnology Inc.
Visit the CryoSPARC website and request a license: https://cryosparc.com/download
License is sent by email usually within 1 business day.
UZH offers various computational resources for its affiliates. For general overview visit the Science IT (S3IT) webpage
For CryoSPARC based data processing, currently the most suitable option is ScienceCloud
Contact your supervisor whether your group already has a project at S3IT resources. If so, request access from your group's project manager.
Otherwise, contact S3IT to set up a project.
S3IT offers basic linux command line introduction for its users every month, ca. 2.5h.
Book the Science IT: Linux Command Line course if you are not familiar with linux or need refreshment.
S3IT offers an introductory training for new ScienceCloud users every month. It takes ca. 2.5h.
Find the next course date and sign up for the Science IT: ScienceCloud base course.
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