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by Jana Döhner


In this guide of the Center for Microscopy and Image Analysis we show how to start up the Visitron Spinning Disk hardware, located at Room Y23-F-14.

Please find more information about the system here.

  1. Switch ON all power supplies (1, 2 and 3). Power supplies: 1 - Microscope, cooled LED for TL, incubation system; 2 - PC components; 3 - lasers, LEDs etc. Check if all laser keys are turned ON (4).
    • Switch ON all power supplies (1, 2 and 3).

    • Power supplies: 1 - Microscope, cooled LED for TL, incubation system; 2 - PC components; 3 - lasers, LEDs etc.

    • Check if all laser keys are turned ON (4).

  2. Sign-in with your ZMB core credentials. Start the "VisiView" software by double clicking on the icon.
    • Sign-in with your ZMB core credentials.

    • Start the "VisiView" software by double clicking on the icon.

  3. Lower the objectives by using the "Focus wheel" (check on the front panel if the "Z"-value decreases) This is a mandatory step as it avoids possible collision of the stage and objective during exchange of inserts and/or samples. You can now toggle between objectives within the software (right hand side menu).
    • Lower the objectives by using the "Focus wheel" (check on the front panel if the "Z"-value decreases)

    • This is a mandatory step as it avoids possible collision of the stage and objective during exchange of inserts and/or samples.

    • You can now toggle between objectives within the software (right hand side menu).

    • Select the 10x dry objective.

    • In order to facilitate the focusing it is recommended to start with the 10x dry objective.

  4. Make sure the objective turret has been lowered before exchanging stage inserts. Stage inserts can be found in the drawer. Available stage inserts: for environmental control (with associated inserts for slides, petri dishes and different well plates) and a universal holder.
    • Make sure the objective turret has been lowered before exchanging stage inserts.

    • Stage inserts can be found in the drawer.

    • Available stage inserts: for environmental control (with associated inserts for slides, petri dishes and different well plates) and a universal holder.

    • Install the needed stage insert and tighten it with the little screw (arrow direction indicates how to tighten the screw).

  5. Push the condensor arm of the microscope to the back. Mount your sample on the stage. If using the universial stage insert adjust the variable clamping range to properly fix your sample.
    • Push the condensor arm of the microscope to the back.

    • Mount your sample on the stage.

    • If using the universial stage insert adjust the variable clamping range to properly fix your sample.

    • Move your sample above the objective with the help of the Joystick.

    • For fast movement simply press the button on the joystick while moving.

    • Bring back condenser arm to its straight position.

  6. Within "VisiView" software choose the light source under  "Illumination". Set corresponding intensity in the "Control Panel" window with the slider. Set "Exposure".
    • Within "VisiView" software choose the light source under "Illumination".

    • Set corresponding intensity in the "Control Panel" window with the slider.

    • Set "Exposure".

    • Click "Show Live".

    • Focus your sample via the focus wheel on the microscope stand.

    • You can toggle in between "Coarse", "Fine" and "Exfine" mode for the focus.

    • Click "Stop Live" once you've focused.

    • The "Live" image will disappear.

  7. For some objectives the correction collar has to be adjusted. On the 20x and 40x dry the cover glass thickness needs to be adjusted (0 - 2 mm). Standard is usually 0.17 mm.
    • For some objectives the correction collar has to be adjusted.

    • On the 20x and 40x dry the cover glass thickness needs to be adjusted (0 - 2 mm). Standard is usually 0.17 mm.

    • On the 20x MI (multi-immersion, Oil, Glycerin or Water) it needs to be set to the immersion media applied (Oil, G, W).

    • Please note, this objective is currently not installed. If required please inform the ZMB staff.

    • Please, DO NOT remove the objectives for adjustment. They can be easily accessed on the system.

  8. After focusing you might want to switch to a higher magnification. Press the "Escape" button  and toggle to the appropriate objective via the software.
    • After focusing you might want to switch to a higher magnification.

    • Press the "Escape" button and toggle to the appropriate objective via the software.

    • Check the correction collar and in case of immersion objective - apply the appropriate immersion liquid (either on the sample or directly to the objective).

    • Oil objectives: "Type-F" immersion liquid.

    • Sil objectives: "SIL300CS" immersion liquid.

    • Press "Refocus" and focus your sample as described in the previous step.

    • For acquisition of multicolor images in 2D, 3D, live cell and/or at multi-positions refer to the corresponding guides.

Finish Line

Jana Döhner

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