3D segmentation
Tiffs with multiple planes and multiple channels are supported in the GUI (can drag-and-drop tiffs) and supported when running in a notebook. Multiplane images should be of shape nplanes x channels x nY x nX or as nplanes x nY x nX. You can test this by running in python
Reserve and open a ZMB special B VM.
Search for and open "Anaconda Powershell Prompt (MinicondaZMB)" via the start button.
Check if the "zmb_cellpose" environment is available:
conda info --envs
Contact the ZMB staff, if the environment is not listed.
Activate the enviroment:
conda activate zmb_cellpose
Sometimes, an error-message appears (see image). This particular message can be ignored.
The environment was activated successfully, if it is listed at the start of the line.
For best accuracy and runtime performance, resize images so cells are less than 100 pixels across
For multi-channel, multi-Z tiff’s, the expected format is Z x channels x Ly x Lx
CHAN TO SEG: this is the channel in which the cytoplasm or nuclei exist
CHAN2 (OPT): if cytoplasm model is chosen, then choose the nuclear channel for this option